Rancho Gordo, Napa, CA
Mail order and available in some stores (select Whole Foods, Williams Sonoma). Glorious, old-fashioned, heirloom beans Rancho Gordo
Koontz Hardware, Los Angeles, CA
Ultimate neighborhood hardware store with excellent housewares department. They stock everything from small appliances to Pillivuyt porcelain. Knife sharpening first 4 Tuesdays of each month.
Organic Nectars
Mail order and select Whole Foods. Raw dark and light agave nectar, coconut sugar, and Cashewtopia ice cream (agave sweetened, cashew based, dairy free ice cream that is excellent). Organic Nectars
Bob’s Red Mill
Grains, beans, nut flours, specialty flours, cereals, gluten free grains and cereals, and more. Mail order fromBob’s Red Mill. Most products available through Amazon as well.
Lindy & Grundy, Los Angeles, CA
Local, pastured, and organic meats. Butcher shops like this are starting to pop up all over the country. When I am planning to make beef, lamb, or pork for my family, I try to buy it from them. They make use the entire animal from standard cuts, to stocks, and even dog food. As a result of their sustainable butchering practices, don’t go there expecting to buy Fillet Mignon’s or New York steaks. Those are among the least sustainable cuts of meat and they are available less frequently. Call ahead to order or try other recommended cuts. They also have poultry. You will immediately discover the size of what a real chicken that has not been plumped up with antibiotics, hormones, and grain looks like. Lindy & Grundy
Local Farmer’s Markets
Take advantage of the seasonal produce that your local farmers are growing. Find your favorite farmers and vendors that you have confidence in their word for pesticide free farming practices and stay loyal to them. The fruits and vegetables will most likely be more reasonably priced and fresher than what you will find in the grocery store.
This is also the best place to buy fresh eggs from happy chickens, and unpasteurized local honey. It is said that having a spoonful of local honey a day will help to build immunities to seasonal allergies. If the theory works in practice or not, the honey is quite tasty.
If you do not live in a city that has a Whole Foods or well stocked natural foods store, you can find specialty food products through Amazon or through their own on-line ordering sources. This does requiring a bit of advance planning, but these products are either dry goods or canned pantry items that store well.
A broad range of ingredients that are not necessarily available to you such as tapioca flour, brown rice flour, nut flour, and a broad range of gluten free products from pastas to crackers can be found and shipped directly to you.
Whole Foods Markets
The best grocery store for ingredients from brown rice vinegar to brown rice syrup. They stock a large variety of beans, grains, and gluten free products. If you are not fortunate enough to have to have Whole Foods Market or good natural foods grocery store near you, I recommend ordering dry goods on line.
Erewhon, Los Angeles, CA
The Original natural foods market in Los Angeles. It is well stock with fresh, organic, raw, and hard to find ingredients.
Williams Sonoma
Unparalleled service for big purchase kitchen investments. They also are a great source for small accessories, hotel style table linens, Apilco porcelain, and bake ware.
Sur La Table
An unbelievably well stocked kitchen store with almost any item imaginable.
Surfas, Los Angeles, CA
A restaurant supply store with public popularity. Find sheet pans, cake pans, candy molds, flan rings, etc. It is the best place to shop for a selection gourmet foods that are not available in grocery stores; european baking chocolates, baking supplies, oils and vinegars, frozen purees, puffy pastry, spices and more.