Monthly Archives: September 2014

Honey Caramelized Apples for a Sweet New Year


It is traditional to dip apples in honey for a sweet new year on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Needless to say, it is a delicious tradition and a true example of why there is no need for things to be complicated to taste wonderful. Fresh, crisp, seasonal apples dipped in yummy raw honey is hard to beat, but this year I wanted to try to make it into a  memorable dessert instead of a mere part of the celebration. I have always found Tarte Tatin to be one of my absolute favorite desserts. The upside-down caramelized apple tart was and remains to be one of the best recipe rescues in culinary history.

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Sweet Potato Chipotle Salad


vegan, gluten free, southewestern salad

Even though the weather here in Los Angeles is currently in the triple digits, the fall produce is starting to push many of the summer favorites to the side at the markets. Yams are taking center stage right now so it is an optimal time to prepare them in a way that will let them shine and get the attention they truly deserve.

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Warm Tarragon Potato Salad



Although I do my very best to avoid night shade vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants), there are times that I cannot resist creamy potatoes. When my children ask me what my favorite food is, my response is almost always potatoes. The rest of the time its pizza in case you were wondering.

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Chocolate Buttermilk Blackout Cake (with vegan adaptation)


It’s not healthy nor is it gluten-free, but it is the best chocolate cake you can make with the least amount of fuss. Yes, there are recipes that I prefer to this one for a velvety rich crumb, but this recipe is practically mindless to assemble with consistently good results.

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